Baruch Elron's Art exhibition - The Magic of The Paintbrush

Baruch Elron's - "The Magic of The Paintbrush"
Art exhibition was successfully launched !

Over 100 people arrived to the festive launch of "The Magic of The Paintbrush" Art exhibition at the Tel Aviv brunch of The Romanian Culture Institution (ICR) with the presentation of 22 different works of the late artist.

Baruch Elron's Art exhibition - The Magic of The Paintbrush

People of art & culture, intellectuals, colleagues, public figures, art lovers, family and friends came to honor the special art exhibition of one of the most unique and honorable paint artist Israel ever had.

Baruch Elron (1934 – 2006) became one of the most important contemporary Israeli paint artist of our time – famous abroad as well as in Israel – who created in an esteemed Fantastic-Realism style.
Baruch Elron's Art exhibition - The Magic of The Paintbrush

The exhibition is in fact a magical time travel in Elron's dream world which includes paintings of different sizes from different periods of his artistic life – starting from his time as a student at the Art Academy in Bucharest (Already then called by many "Maestro") till his late works of art.

Baruch Elron's Art exhibition - The Magic of The Paintbrush

After a brief welcome by the ICR manager, Andrea Shemesh, who is hosting the art exhibition, Dr. Dalia Hacker explained about Elron's uniqueness style and work and shared with the guests well remembered experiences from the times they worked and teached together at the biggest art academies around.
Also, The 08th book written about the art of Baruch Elron was launched by Mr. Adrian Graunfels, the writer – this time in the Romanian language.
(Other 7 very impressive and notable books about Elron's work with explicit art analysis and fine pictures were published in the past few years in other 4 different languages: English, Spanish, Russian and Hebrew and got acknowledged by art academies throughout the world).

As a final part of the opening event, a special 30 minutes movie was screened about Elron's life and biggest works that was specially prepared by Mr. Shari Rabbi – an art specialist – for this occasion and got very big applause .

Baruch Elron's Art exhibition - The Magic of The Paintbrush

Baruch Elron got recognition all his life both in Romania – his birth place – as well as in Europe, USA, Africa and Israel.
Since he immigrated to Israel at the age of 30 till his death, he never stopped painting and presenting his works in over 100 (!!!) art exhibitions around the world.
Elron's art always managed to garner much interest due to his special vision of reality capture and his interpretation to it.

His widow, Mrs. Lydia Elron, who takes care of his inheritance, seeks to provide for the art lovers in Israel (this time) and abroad another opportunity to get familiar with Baruch Elron's work. 

Baruch Elron's Art exhibition - The Magic of The Paintbrush

The art exhibition will be displayed in Tel Aviv till January 19th 2018.
Place: ICR – Romanian Culture Institution.
Address : 8 Shaul HaMelech blvd., 6th floor – T.A.
Schedule : Monday to Friday between 10.00 to 16.00
